The purpose of Zion Education Center (ZEC) is to provide a professional and purpose-driven commitment to motivating and inspiring the social, cognitive, and physical development of youth ages 1 - 13, their families, and their future. ZEC specializes in education, nutrition, health, and physical development activities with the following program objectives: ​
Provide children ages 3 - 5 with high-quality pre-kindergarten education activities that target school readiness.
Provide free nutritional meals available on weekdays and during summer break that are governed by USDA
Improve social and peer interactions through positive recreational activities for children ages 5 - 13.
Encourage self-respect and respect for authorities through positive adult interactions and support.
Zion Education Center, Inc. is the only Keystone STARS facility in Mercer County that provides free USDA meals, subsidized child care, PA Pre-K Counts, Education Improvement Tax Credit, and intern scholarships.